Alice Sokoloff Photography

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ruminations: Inspired by a Yelp Review

Every day, as we go on about our business, we judge those around us and we are in turn judged, whether we know it or not. I, for one, whether out of humility or sheer ignorance, am always surprised to find out that someone noticed me, something about me, that they formed an opinion, and took the effort to express that opinion, either in verbal or written form.

Today, I learned that I have a new review on Yelp. I was floored at first! One of my wonderful clients decided to tell the world about my services and, essentially, help with my business development. But then I opened the review and saw that I received 3 out of 5 stars. 3 OUT OF 5! I was devastated. My heart beating fast, I started reading the review. Although, according to Yelp, 3 stars is "A-Ok", in my book, that's failure. So who have I wronged?

I read the review, and then read it again. It was by a prospective client, or a former prospective client, if that makes sense. Someone who met me once and, frankly, didn't like me. Besides learning from the review that my photography quality is "decent" [gasp], I was also mortified to find out that I have an "aggressive approach," that I am "negative overall," and that I "talk bad" about other photographers.

I am still walking around, feeling like I'd been slapped. Needless to say, I don't agree with the review, and yes, I know, I need thicker (much thicker) skin. But that's not why I decided to blog about this. It got me thinking about all the judging that we do as a society and about how it hurts people. I am as guilty of it as anyone. And especially if you believe in karma and in our ability to affect the cosmos by the kind of energies that we put out [those of you rolling your eyes, I can feel it; don't judge], it almost doesn't matter, whether you (more kindly) judge someone behind their back or (in the spirit of Yelp) do it (anonymously) to their face.

So here are my take-aways from today's experience:

(1) Be kinder to others. Don't make negative snap judgments, and certainly don't share those snap judgments. They could hurt someone [I'm still sniffling a little bit] and create more bad energy in the universe.

(2) In meetings with clients, or prospective clients, don't assume people want my advice, even my best-meaning best-intentioned advice. Wait for them to ask for it.

And lastly...

(3) Remember that not everyone has to like me or get me. [Sigh.] My clients, they really get me. Maybe they don't go on Yelp and rave to the world about me first chance they get, but I think they get me. They understand that I am not aggressive--I am enthusiastic, and that I am not critical--I am protective and helpful. And they certainly, most certainly, get that it's all but indecent to categorize my photography as merely "decent". :)

Thank you, Krittle C. (though I realize you are not a fan and don't read my blog), for the lessons you taught me with your review!

Until next time!

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